
I have created a truly innovative and dynamic methodology for unearthing the deepest root of what holds you back
—> your repressed shadows <—
and how to alchemize that PAIN into POWER.

I facilitate Sacred Revolutions in women by combining Jungian depth psychology, spirituality, astrology, tarot, dreamwork, shamanism, and reiki within a modern coaching framework.

This is “life coaching” like you’ve never seen. You will implement LIFELONG changes, become armed with invaluable tools, and align yourself with your Highest Vision. You will step into the life you’d been, until now, only dreaming of. You will finally experience the beauty and magic of a deep sense of inner fulfillment, connection, and abundance.

I implore you to take the first step in igniting your inner power by joining me on this transformational journey!

The Vesta

Transformative Empowerment Journey

My Signature Offering

In astrology, she is the major asteroid guiding us with ambition and desire to feel safe and content within ourselves, and our home.

She is the embodiment of Divine Feminine Energy; reminding you of the intrinsic power you possess as a wild and free, autonomous being.

She is the keeper of your Sacred Flame; your blessed sexuality, passion, and spirituality.

She aligns you with your Soul Mission and emboldens
you to access it.

Do you feel stagnant? Blocked? Codependent? Lost?

Do you feel disconnected from your inner passion, your spirituality, or even your life?

Do you crave deep connection after a childhood that left you feeling isolated, alone, or neglected?

Do you yearn for confidence and the ability to trust your inner wisdom?

You are not alone!

In a world that forces women into conformity, your soul becomes stifled. Your repressed authenticity
—> your inner truth! <— becomes a wasteland of self-doubt. This festers and becomes a lack of trust within every cell of your being. When you stop trusting yourself, it becomes harder and harder to access and embody your Divine Feminine Energy.

Harnessing the power of your Sacred Flame allows you to live out your life with passion and fervency. A lust for life awakens the Soul and makes this human life worth living!

My absolute, unwavering belief is, by combining ancient wisdom with proven modern science, you will DISCOVER and FULFILL your Soul Mission by finally, and fully, embodying your Sacred Spirit.

If you are ready to claim your place in the emerging
New Paradigm of Soul-Aligned Women and harness your
Divine Feminine Power, then I invite you to join
The Vesta.

16 sessions to emerge from your chrysalis.

16 sessions to find your wings.

The Path:

🦋 VISION: In one 75m session we will create your vision for your future, and identify what you wish to achieve while working together. We will identify the main issue(s) holding you back. Where you feel stuck, alone, frustrated, and why. We will dive into your background story and family history. We will perform an “active imagination” - a deeply meditative state which connects you to your subconscious and reveals illuminating information around your blocks.

🦋 EXPLORE: In one epic 90m session we will explore your astrological natal chart, retrieving deep insights from your past life, illuminating the karmic shadows you arrived on this earth to heal and integrate, your repression, and your family history, as well as your strengths, and your Soul Mission. This is a reading like no other!

🦋 SHINE: In four 75m sessions held bi-weekly, we will shine a light on your shadows. This is the true shadow work, the nitty gritty, bringing forth your inner blocks to facilitate systemic transformation within your body, mind, soul, and relationships. This is ground breaking work that no shadow work journal or self help book could ever substitute. The absolute POWER ignited within you when you are finally able to see how YOU have held the keys to your own cage this whole time is indescribable! Note: each session begins with a tarot reading!

🦋 TRANSFORM: In four 75m sessions held bi-weekly, we will integrate the shadows which were illuminated during the SHINE step using active imaginations, meditations, dream work, reiki energy balancing, shamanic energy healing and clearing, and somatic healing, for mind, body, and soul integrative transformation. Note: each session begins with a tarot reading!

🦋 ALCHEMIZE: In six 75m sessions held 1x per month, we will reinforce the shadow work integration, mindset shift, and systemic energetic healing, providing accountability, guidance, and reassurance. The individuation process, or the process of detaching from pure Ego to access the True Self, always comes with a resistance phase. The ALCHEMIZE step is strategically placed to aid you through the normal resistance which occurs through the individuation process to help you, not only step into, but flourish within, your true power. Note: each session begins with a tarot reading!

🦋 Call recordings and extremely detailed “reflections” email sent after each session, with unlimited texting and email access to me for constant support and motivation throughout your journey.

🦋 8 personalized new moon reports throughout the program to help you know what to call in, what seeds to plant, what new chapters are beckoning!

🦋 8 personalized full moon reports throughout the program to help you know what to release, what is no longer serving you, and what doors need to close for you to start anew!

The Investment:

$5,555 PIF and 8 months of your life

BONUS: Paying in full buys you a FREE 75m Persona Archetype Revelation session. This is a short quiz given to discover what Persona archetype your Ego is embodying. This reveals where you feel strongest in yourself, and most safe, as well as where you have the largest shadows lurking. This is an excellent session to hone in on and streamline your shadow work!

Due to the extremely hands-on nature of my work, I cannot see high numbers of clients while maintaining quality for all. When spots are full, you will see a “closed for entry” sign. You may send me an email
here if you have questions about this process.

If this feels cosmically aligned, it would be a deep honor for me to welcome you to The Vesta.

Don’t let money be a barrier to your Power!
Choose a payment plan

xoxo Jacquelyn

“The starry vault of heaven is in truth the open book of cosmic projection…”

—Carl Jung