My Philosophy

Welcome to my Coven

This a safe space for you to connect to your physical body, your spirit, and your mind. I do things a little differently because I believe that we must BE the change we want to see in this world. I do believe Western society has become harmful to the health of our SOULS. We attempt to judge, compartmentalize, marginalize, and diminish, to gain a sense of control. In turn, the majority of humans feel underwhelmed and overwhelmed, malnourished and neglected, insecure and overlooked. For your SOUL to flourish, you need to feel love and be love. 

In this space, you will learn how to nourish your physical body, your mind, and your soul. I believe that EVERYTHING in this earthly life is energetically connected. I believe we are all one living, breathing, feeling, entity. As such, when we judge ourselves, neglect ourselves, label ourselves, or demean ourselves, we are thus projecting that energy onto the entire population of humans, animals, and plants alike. Once we comprehend that we are a singular entity we will begin to see serenity in this earthly place. Compassion for OURSELVES thereby spreads to OTHERS, and this is crucial to a peaceful existence.

Violet + Vesta focuses on energy. When we harness the energy of the universe, we also harness the energy within ourselves, and vice versa. Using modern science and ancient wisdom, I will guide you along this path toward alignment and enlightenment. Some of the modalities used within this space are Skin Care, Holistic Health, Astrology, Reiki and Crystal energy balancing, Jungian Depth Psychology, Life Coaching, Shadow Work, and more.

  • Skin care is an extremely overlooked avenue of physical healing in western society, as the skin is the largest organ of the entire body. When we neglect this organ, many systems start to fail. It is signaling to your mind “I am not worth my time”, and creates a ripple effect of negative energy within your physical body. Skin care IS health care. 

  • Holistic Health recognizes that the body’s systems are entirely connected. When we treat our physical body like a segregated entity, we start to see systems shut down. Thus, taking care of your gut and your liver is just as crucial as caring for your mental health and your skin, as these systems are all intertwined.

  • Astrology is a science AND an ancient wisdom that understands the connectedness of the universe to all living things. Using Astrology as a tool for your personal growth will provide a fast track to your success. And when you succeed, we all succeed.

  • Reiki and Crystals have been used for centuries for energy balancing, spiritual, emotional, and physical healing. Again, our entire body, mind, and spirit are ONE. You are a spiritual being having a human experience. We must nurture our SOUL if we want to feel true peace within our physical bodies and our minds. 

  • Jungian psychology is an incredibly powerful tool for activating the greatest version of you. This is called the True Self. Using Jungian theory, dreamwork, and shadow work, you can evolve into the most powerful version of you and obtain the life of your dreams.

Violet + Vesta believes in energy as the root of everything and everyone. When you come in for a V+V experience, the result is two souls exchanging energy for mutual healing and wellness. Because of this philosophy, Violet + Vesta does NOT expect tipping. The prices demonstrated represent the worth of my skills, my energy, my knowledge, my wisdom, and my time. Equally, you should never feel obligated, guilty, or shamed, when exchanging energy with another person. I never want to have to ask you for a gratuity, nor do I ever want you to feel pressured to give it to me. 

Tipping is an archaic mechanism curated by Western society to give “consumers” a sense of power and control by dictating another’s intrinsic value with a monetary “tip”. This breeds toxic habits within our culture where, much like on social media, we judge and compare others as an attempt to determine their worth in relation to our perceived worth. My Coven is a safe space. Here, there is no judgment, no criticism, no shaming, no projecting. Only love. Therefore, tipping is NEVER expected within this space. If you feel the desire to give me some added love for the services you receive, that should be a choice 100% your own with no strings attached.

I hope you enjoy your time within my Coven. The V+V experience is here to illicit growth, healing, and community. Stick around a while and enjoy all of the exciting things I have to offer.

xoxo Jacquelyn